Blitz (374/640)

From:Tony Rolfe
Date:11 Sep 99 at 05:24:56
Subject:Pure Basic

Hi, Fred (and everyone else)

I've just started looking at PB (having got back from hols) and it
looks most impressive.

There are a few things I would really need to get me to buy it.

1. Some sort of automated bb2 to pb conversion aid. I wouldn't
expect it to do everything, but I've got over 400 include files and a
huge mainline so manually converting them to ascii files alone is a
daunting task, let alone basic syntax changes. The sort of thing I'd
like would read the tokenised bb2 source, do basic changes like
changing { to (, adding : to labels and removing a leading period
(.Label to Label:), changing list processing systax, etc and then
saving a .pb source. Maybe an asm guru can modify the FreeBlitz
source to do it.

2. Random access file support (equivalent to the Fields statement
and Get/Put in bb2).

Those are the main things. Other than that I'd love to get it.


Tony Rolfe
Amiga 2000, 68030/25, 1+8Mb

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